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【经济学前沿高端讲座系列】郑多仁(Dain Jung):Effects of single-sex schooling on academic success, peer relationships, and mental health

发布时间:2022-10-31 来源:李安民经济研究院



Effects of single-sex schooling on academic success, peer relationships, and mental health    

主讲人:郑多仁Dain Jung(辽宁大学李安民经济研究院)  


时间:2022年11月4日(周五)  14:00-15:30(北京时间)  

地点:腾讯会议:907 4908 3431  



In this study, we investigate the effects of single-sex schooling on students’ mental health and identify the sources of their heterogeneous effects. In particular, we focus on two potential sources of heterogeneous effect: peer relationships and academic performance. We use student panel data surveyed in Seoul, Korea from 2010 to 2018, where students are randomly assigned to high school. We find positive effects of single-sex schooling on academic performance and peer relationships for both genders, with a greater effect on females. However, it does not lead to improvements in mental health, as measured by life satisfaction or enjoyment, and even worse for females. We find that female students negatively affected their mental health when face with a fiercely competitive same-sex environment.    

主讲人简介:郑多仁(Dain Jung),经济学博士,辽宁大学李安民经济研究院助理教授。2020年毕业于韩国科学技术院(KAIST)。研究方向为:实证微观经济学和健康经济学。他最近的论文接收和发表在Applied Economics,Labour Economics等。  

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