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宋则行海外名家大讲堂|多伦多大学杰出教授Daniel Trefler教授开讲预告

发布时间:2023-04-26 来源:

主讲人简介:丹尼尔·崔夫勒(Daniel Trefler),多伦多大学罗特曼管理学院教授,加拿大竞争力与繁荣研究主席,加拿大高等研究院资深研究员,C.D. Howe研究所研究员,竞争力与繁荣研究所顾问,美国国家经济研究局(NBER)研究员,欧洲政策研究中心研究员,英国国际增长中心研究员。作为当今加拿大最著名的经济学家之一,崔夫勒教授对于国际贸易领域的基础研究具有开创性贡献,其研究被广泛应用于贸易协定的制定与实现中,使贸易协定能够促进生产力、创新和投资的提升并降低对工人和社会弱势人群的损害。崔夫勒教授迄今为止获奖无数,其中最令人瞩目的包括2016年基拉姆社会科学奖(Killam Prize,加拿大的“诺贝尔奖”)、主讲国际经济学领域最高荣誉讲座俄林讲座(2011 Ohlin Lecturer)、加拿大银行研究基金荣誉、加拿大经济协会全部三个主要奖项(the Harry Johnson Prize, the John Rae Prize, and the Innis Lecture)等。  

崔夫勒教授曾长年担任国际经济学领域顶级期刊《国际经济学杂志(Journal of International Economics)》主编以及美国经济协会主办的《经济学文献杂志(Journal of Economic Literature)》编委会成员。近年来,他作为政府顾问(Global Affairs Canada加拿大全球事务部),深度参与加拿大对外直接投资政策以及加拿大-欧盟自贸协定的制定。Trefler教授在包括《美国经济评论》《政治经济学杂志》《经济学季刊》等经济学顶级期刊上发表文章几十篇,出版多部经济学著作。他的作品被诺贝尔委员会、世贸组织,以及《纽约时报》《新闻周刊》《华尔街日报》和《经济学人》等知名国际媒体大量引用,并多次接受采访。崔夫勒教授本科毕业于多伦多大学,硕士毕业于剑桥大学,博士毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,曾任哈佛大学、芝加哥大学访问教授。    

讲座:Reforming World Trade Rules in the Age of AI    



时间:2023年4月28日(周五)  10:00-12:00(北京时间)  



摘要:Mobile Apps are a large and growing segment of international trade, a segment that is being transformed by AI. To document the deployment of AI in mobile apps, we use a large language model (BERT) that enables a firm's app descriptions to chat with the firm's AI patent abstracts and decide how related they are. This is our novel measure of the AI deployment in an app. We use this to show the following. (1) AI causally increases an app's foreign users i.e., increases international trade. It increases it roughly fourfold from internal-to-the-firm AI capabilities and an additional twofold from external-to-the-firm capabilities. (2) AI causally increases the number of new apps a firm offers by 13% while culling older apps by 30% i.e., AI accelerates creative destruction. (3) AI increases the welfare gains from international trade by 21% and does so by improving existing app and developing new apps. We build a general equilibrium trade model in which firms decide the intensity with which AI is deployed. The model frames the empirical work and points to a cost-shifter that serves as an instrument: A firm deploys AI in an app if the firm's country is  abundant in AI research and the app's category (e.g., social networking) is intensive in AI. The app data cover 36,334 apps during 2016--2020.  



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