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经济学前沿高端讲座|南京审计大学泽尔腾经济学实验室张晓萌:Economic Resilience and Risk Preferences:A Machine Learning Approach to Cross-National Analysis

发布时间:2024-06-13 来源:


    Economic Resilience and Risk Preferences:A Machine Learning Approach to Cross-National Analysis      主讲人:张晓萌 助理教授(南京审计大学泽尔腾经济学实验室)  

  主持人:杨程 助理教授(辽宁大学李安民经济研究院)  

  嘉宾介绍:周宇 副教授(辽宁大学中国经济研究院)  

  时间:2024年6月17日(周一) 14:30-16:00(北京时间)  




  摘要:This research investigates the relationship between risk preferences and macroeconomic conditions. By leveraging data from the Global Preference Survey, we distinguish between risk preferences and economic forecasts, uncovering a correlation between experiences of economic downturns and increased risk aversion. Employing machine learning techniques, we identify diverse impacts of macroeconomic experiences on risk preferences across different countries. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the varying economic recovery speeds post-crises across countries and cultures, highlighting the critical importance of considering the diversity in economic analysis and policy-making. Our study underscores the intricate interplay between economy environment and economic decision-making, offering valuable perspectives to the discourse on global economic resilience.  



  张晓萌,南京审计大学泽尔腾经济学实验室助理教授、硕士生导师。美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech) 经济学博士。主要研究方向为:行为经济学,实验经济学,与神经经济学。研究成果发表在China Economic Review, Economics Letters, Scientific Reports,Behavioral Sciences, Finance Research Letters等国际学术期刊。主持国家自科基金青年项目一项,参与国家自科基金重点项目、面上项目三项。担任The Quarterly Journal of Economics,Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization等国际顶级学术期刊匿名审稿人,以及中国行为与实验经济学论坛理事。

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