发布时间:2024-12-29 来源:
据JDE官网显示,来自浙江大学的解恩泽、北京大学的徐铭梽、辽宁大学的余淼杰,合作撰写的论文“Trade liberalization, labor market power, and misallocation across firms: Evidence from China's WTO accession”,在发展经济学顶级期刊《Journal of Development Economics》线上正式发表。
Title: Trade liberalization, labor market power, and misallocation across firms: Evidence from China's WTO accession
解恩泽 浙江大学
徐铭梽 北京大学
余淼杰 辽宁大学 党委副书记、校长
摘要:This paper studies the impact of trade liberalization on the heterogeneity of labor market power among manufacturing firms, which is a potential source of misallocation. The model shows that heterogeneity of labor market power distorts the allocation of the factors of production, and the variance in the natural log of the markdown serves as a sufficient statistic to infer its negative impact on overall production efficiency. Using China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) as a natural experiment, the empirical results suggest that lower input tariffs decrease the variance in the natural log of the markdown, which reflects the improvement in misallocation. In contrast, reductions in output tariffs have no significant effects.